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A person who is either or all: two-faced, a backstabber, or switches up on you. A disloyal person.

That’s why Jane is always in some drama, because she’s always been a Cross-Artist.

Keith is a Cross-Artist, he cheated on his wife, but she was the only person who had his back when he was down and out.

by Flood Light June 28, 2022

jordan cross

This particular male is known for taking a males girlfriend then letting them know he did with out giving any fucks. Usually smokes dope out the zip & will be somebody extravagant one day.

Jordan cross is that nigga you can't keep ya spouse around.

by Jay-Pastooo March 14, 2017

Cross Hammered

A person who is high and drunk at the same time.

"Dude go home you are totally cross hammered"

by CobaltSSturbo October 28, 2013

crossing over

1. death, often the polite proposal of such.
2. entering a new part of life or major event.

1. "maaan sometimes i hate living" "have you tried crossing over yet"
2. "you've really crossed over now"

by rabiescat January 28, 2024

Gus Crossing

Heaving Hoop

Darn, I woke up this morning with a Gus Crossing lmao aha.

by leakyhoop420 October 10, 2020

cross bar

the never let me down handy 4 way lug nut wrench jot down in history as one of the most convenient on the go tools invented for quick car repairs since the day it was invented.

who invented the cross bar?
Bob jones spanner

by 2lowkJ May 22, 2023

Max cross

A max cross is a person who doesn’t leave there house and sits there playing fifa all day. A max cross can be referred to as a lazy fat imbread cunt whose breath smells like they have eaten six shitty nappies.

Max cross is such a imbread cunt isn’t he

by Fish.F October 30, 2022