DO change people's minds Chris.
Hym "Being mean doesn't... And untrue things DO! And I don't agree that being mean doesn't change people's minds. Look at Jordan Peterson. He's ridiculous now. Can't you just admit it? Can't you just admit it just one time? You a promoting ideas that you know are not true and don't actually believe. How about this: You can't change people's mind if they are right and you are wrong. Like, you can't convince me that the Jews spoke to a reality monster. That isn't possible. There could BE one I guess and if so I'm gonna have to kill it but I highly doubt you spoke to it and it made you the boss of me forever. No amount of obfuscating what constitutes belief or God is going to bridge that divide. Chris it's just stop being mean, shut up, let us steal your shit and deny you the credit you deserve, and work a job. That's it. And for what? All to keep Kendra from having to be the whore who molested a retard instead of fucking the creator of AI? To get me to accept the untrue things you are saying as true? Or is it because you cannot accept that you are not more deserving of things that I am? You deserve less. You're contribution is worth less. And that applies to all of the YouTube filth. Mine is more. It doesn't matter how I did it. I did it."
Random activities. Usually described as redneckish, childish, or white people-ish
Oh dont mind him, hes just doing kevin things
1. Busses that are early
2. Busses that are late
3. Busses that are on time
4. Busses that go fast
5. Busses that go slow
6. Transit operators who stop for a coffee
7. Transit operators that use the bathroom
8. Transit operators in general
9. Winnipeg Transit
10. Rain
11. Snow
12. Wind
13. weather in general
14. Winnipeg transit again
15. People who sit in seats
16. People who stand
17. People
18. Busses
19. Bus fare
20. Bus stops
21. Bus benches
22. Bus seats
23. Bus windows
24. Busses
25. People
26. Transit operators again
27. Winnipeg Transit
28. Probably yourself too
What are the specific things to hate if you use Winnipeg Transit?
“Oh let me tell you…”
Being racist
Bill went to an away game and chanted racial slurs at players, it's a Chelsea thing.
Weird affected finishes added to authentic clothing
Steve thought the white wrist things on Jamie’s fisherman’s smock were cheesy
The n-word, but the real thing. When you want to make clear that someone said the real word, and not just "the n-word"
"Felix just said the n-word, but the real thing, while on the bridge"