Source Code

Resident Evil Code: Veronica

One of the better sequels in the popular Resident Evil franchise featuring Clare and Chris Redfield and an ass-load of zombies. This addition to the series successfully combined 3D worlds and characters with the trade mark fixed-camera style of the previous games. One benefit of this was the consistency of the graphics so objects such as crates didn't stick out on the screen. As with all major installments in the series, Code: Veronica featured a plethora of memorable set pieces, characters and plot details that further unravelled the mystery of S.T.A.R.S and The Umbrella Corporation.

Guy 1: Anyone fancy playing Resident Evil?
Guy 2: Yeah, dust off the Dreamcast and we'll play Resident Evil Code: Veronica.

by Jack UK January 23, 2007

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kids in different area codes

The result of being a big time player or a skank-ass ho, seriously getting around. Often used figuratively.

Bartholomew: "Yo peep dis shiznit nigga. Ya know dat blowed-ass biznitch Gertrude from South Central? Well dat ho be sweatin' deez nutz mothafucka, I'm fin' to tap dat ass and smack dat shit sideways if ya know what I'm sayin'.
Mortimer: "Hell naw dogg you don't want none of dat sheeeit. Dat bitch been around ya know what I'm sayin', she got kids in different area codes."

by Nick D October 15, 2003

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hot girl code

The "polite" way hot girls on dating sites turn down guys because they think it spares their feelings.


"You're not my type" = "You're ugly"
"I don't feel a connection" = "You seem incredibly boring"
"We're not looking for the same thing" = "You're creeping me out"

When she told me she didn't feel a connection, I knew hot girl code well enough to get the message.

by Downvoting Victim January 5, 2017

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bro code for front seat

If one of you mates it taking you home from a night out, activities. Whom ever is the last person to get dropped of must be the person in the front seat so he isn't taxied around. If a bro puts there stuff in the front seat one must not take it out and chuck it in the back.

"When a mate jumps in the front when he is first to exit the vehicle" This overules the shotgun Call. Bro code for front seat

by Scotthemus December 3, 2015

Color coded wrist band

Color coded wrist bands you bring to any party, concert, scene etc that you hand out to girls based on what you want from them. Like kiss, spank, cuff, tug, suck, fuck, anal, etc. That way they all know who is on board for the night.

"Hi. Can I have a kiss?"
"Here's a color coded wrist band. Hold that thought."

"Why don't we go up to my room and fuck?"
"Great idea. Here's a color coded wrist band. There's some girls I want you to meet.

by Mr Special November 2, 2018

Code 3 Captain Crunch

When you jizz into your pants so much that they get crusty and break

β€œI had a Code 3 Captain Crunch last weekend and had to throw out my pants”

by Jyfsdbpa July 16, 2023


Delicious Mountain Dew (TM) Code Red...mmmm

This Mountain Dew Code Red is code-red-licious

by Code4? March 4, 2005

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