self diagnosed depressed 9-14 year olds who like gacha life and think they’re cool. they growl at people and sing songs like dynasty, human, fight song, angel with a gun, etc. they think being gay is a trend and usually are violent.
“i think i have depression..”
“do u like gacha life?”
“yea why.”
“hahahahahahaha, fake depressed gacha kid!!!”
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Sometimes abbreviated to RWDS - it is a condition which affected people most recently in England, around the time when Prince William and Kate Middleton (now Princess Katherine) had their wedding. The condition's leading cause appears to be the general atmosphere created by such an occasion. Specifically it is when people get fed up with all the media focus and people generally getting too excited about the wedding, tas well as certain companies producing Royal Wedding condoms.
1) Man1: "Are you watching the royal wedding tomorow?"
Man2: "No man, I got Royal Wedding depression syndrome!
Man1: "Seriously man? That's too bad."
Man2: "No I haven't really got it, I just couldn't give a shit."
Man1: "..."
5👍 1👎
Sadness felt by a TWFanmily member days, weeks, months, or years after being at a The Wanted concert. The Wanted have such amazing concerts that after you have experienced it, like a drug, you need more of it. Signs of this usually include, excessive fangirling, sadness, and excessive watching of videos featuring The Wanted on YouTube.
Katina: "Hey Isabel and Sarah, why are you guys so down?"
Isabel: "We just miss The Wanted so much."
Katina: "Same here, I've been watching so many videos of them!"
Sarah: "That's what we're doing right now! We need to see them again."
Katina: "Agreed. Girls, I'm afraid we have a serious case of Post The Wanted Concert Depression.
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When it's Sunday evening after you had a sleepover with your friend on Saturday night, and you realize it's back to school again on Monday.
When I was 13, I spent the weekend at Cetin The Cretin's house. As I got home on Sunday evening... I realized things were boring and school started soon... post-sleepover depression.
20👍 186👎
Fake depressed elementary schoolers are people who make up fake facts. They would be about 9-10 years old. Sometimes they might be younger than that. Or even 11 years old!
Here are some examples of a fake depressed elementary schooler:
- Change their profile picture to a depressed person (For the girls, it would be gacha or roblox)
- Openly shows how they're depressed (Real depressed people actually hide it)
Alyssa: I'm depressed because I listen to Anna Blue
Me: You're not depressed, you fake depressed elementary schooler
The emotinal feeling of regret and depression right after one gets done masterbating.
I just spanked my monkey to some scat porn, now I have PMD (Post Masterbation Depression)
Post-System-Crash Depression (or PSCD) is the inevitable feeling and/or onset of depression brought on by the failure of a significant electronics item. It is marked by the general symptoms of depression usually centered around the idea that the 'reliable' system they had been using has failed them utterly. Examples of failures that may cause the condition include (but are not limited to):
1) Video Game Crashes after significant amounts of unsaved progress
2) Computer component failure
The only know cure for PSCD is time. Eventually the individual will reconcile with his system and accept its faults and try to improve upon them. In some cases though, therapy has been shown to aid the process.
While normally applied to electronics, PSCD can be used to describe similar symptoms that occur due to the failure of a physical system.
PSCD condition may be related to a the phenomenon of losing ones invincibility virginity, an occurrence in which a victim becomes depressed after having a significantly traumatic even occur to them, who before didn't think or realize such a thing could befall them.
Guy 1: Man, Steve's been unhappy all week. I thought hed be happy once he'd got his computer back.
Guy 2: Well, you know. It's that Post-system-crash depression. He just doesn't think thing s will ever be the same.