The condition of having additional skin draping above one’s asshole similar to or the male equivalent of the females meat curtain Also known by its slang names trampoline man hole cover or dirty mud flap also known as the Flying squirrel. Stinky mole hill blanket ,dirty sheet uncle skeeters apple fritter.
Yo bitch come over here and gnaw the carpet burn scabs off my Kermit flaps while u juggle my balls ho!
an annoying phrase used by others to make you feel bad when you are invited to do something but don't do it
when you didn't go to something when invited to do it
other word for letdown
toby i dare you to jump that fence!
nahh man
you're flapping the sesh!
A female ninja. A woman well versed in the dark art of ninjitsu. An assassin of the fairer sex.
Bruce Lee: Fuck it...the evil triad are using a virtual army of deadly ninja flaps..
Friend: We are fucked now!
When you have high pressure diarrhea, and your balls shield your dick from the ass mud.. Thus preventing a unpleasant cleanup.
Fred wasn’t feeling good from too much spicy food, luckily he had his Mississippi mud flap
Sack Flaps are a rare genital disease that gives the unlucky victim an extra, saggier pair of nuts. This extra pair usually hangs lower than the typical pair.
Hey bro, do you have sack flaps!?? I could see them through your thin leggings.