Source Code

Rusty Duck

When a college football player: Talks shit, plays like shit, and then acts like a piece of shit after the game.

After his team choked in a game they should have won, Billy went all rusty duck and punched a couple of cheerleaders, then got up in the stands and spit on my grandma.

by Bow Down September 5, 2009

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Platapus Ducking

When someone licks or tosses the salad of someone engaged in kangaroo balling or wallaby balling. This is done to lubricate the exit of the testicles.

Jon platypus ducked Ben and Raymond, when they were wallaby balling.

by Will Benson February 24, 2004

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Duck Oven

The effect created when farting inside hip waders, which are commonly used during duck hunting. A takeoff of the phrase dutch oven (to fart under covers and then pull the covers over your or someone elses head), the duck oven is contained inside waterproof waders, slowly releasing itself to almost no one but the wearer. However, when the waders are removed, the effect is shared and rather potent if there have been multiple duck ovens created.

After a hunter's breakfast of coffee and beef jerky, Cecil watched for mallards and silently enjoyed his duck oven.

by zhakespeare October 5, 2009

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duck hunter

When a man is having his arse licked out, and at the same time the licker strokes the man's cock and cups his balls, to form a position the resembles a duck hunter shooting and reloading a shot gun.

What should happen when you invite a girl to dinner - you should get a Duck Hunter!

by Aussie Stevo November 8, 2006

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duck butter

Duckbutter differs from Smegma but is
pretty much the same. The smelly cheesed
odor that builds up between vagina as
well as the penis. Due to bad hygiene
mostly but still should be under control
by the tales I get from people who shower every 5 minutes. I pity those dudes but if you hafta you hafta-Rich

Smelly human problem!

by Frank Musselwhite August 14, 2004

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queer duck

A cartoon NOBODY has ever seen (the fact it hasn't even got five votes on the IMDb proves this), but everyone knows of it because it was on that 100 Greatest Cartoons thing - instead of Invader Zim or Ghost in the Shell.

"Has anyone seen Queer Duck?!?"

by OD Smith March 21, 2005

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lame duck

A flight profile which a plane flies if it has mechanical problems in time of excercise or war. Useually gear down, lights on.

"I flew a lame duck profile so I didnt get shot down by friendly fire."

by stiffler7234 October 5, 2005

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