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Milk and Honey

An infamouse bangladesh troll used it as his sign in the early 30's.

Mald cope 🥛🍯 (Milk and Honey)

by Patrik12éves July 25, 2021

Milk and honey

In the bible is suggested as something that over flows(abundant) or currency. Is also a song and the name of a poetry book. In a way it could mean something that is calming and pleasant. That brings peace when it is near. Doesn't have to literally be milk and honey.

book ex: Have you read that book milk and honey from that poet who was raped... So powerful how she found milk and honey through all that pain!
Song ex: "milk and honey..warm and lovely...oooh"

by Thickitpoop July 11, 2021

milk and honey

"milk and honey" is a collection of poetry in one book. "milk and honey" is the most OVERRATED poetry book ever, all the art hoes buy it and say that its to fucking most amazing book ever. Milk and honey is a book for the 14 year old wannabe artist and tumblr girls who don't know any good poetry.

"omg KaREn I bought this poetry book "milk and honey" of amazon that I found on tumblr!! I'm SUCH an art hoe!!!!"
"Becky, I read that book like 3 months ago, u are so like the beginning of tumblr 2015.. smh"

by dolphin6699 December 30, 2016

Milk and Honey

A book filled with various poems that vsco girls take pictures of to appear intelligent and/or insightful.

Jeez, her vsco is just filled with Milk and Honey quotes.

by Oyvey6969 February 11, 2022

milk and honey

and as the sun set, the girl who's not like other girls whispers...


milk and honey is for edgy goth girls and white girls

by big boi gay January 16, 2019

honey bramble

A women's magazine that offers digital content for females. honeybramble.com Honey Bramble is the tradename of the magazine and their content includes hobbies, tattoos, home design, relationship advice, and more for girls.

Have you read Honey Bramble magazine? Yes, girlfriend, I have!

by honey bramble December 12, 2022

bear getting honey

When a bear preforms oral on his cub

Joey went with his cub to do the ol’ bear getting honey

by Trooper Thorn May 6, 2021