When you have been drinking too much so you induce vomiting on purpose so you can get back to the party and drink more.
Hey Maddy just power booted so she can still drink more, get her a beer!
When playing tambourine, a sequence of musical notes consisting of a half note followed by three quarter notes.
Cain:Snare Bear!
Power rolls don't exist
Snare Bear: Yes they do!
Check urban dictionary.
Anyone you have to fuck, blow or invite to a gay or lesbian show just to get ahead. Anyone who uses their power as gatekeeper to charge you a sex toll. Anyone who forces you to consent or suffer the personal, professional or financial consequences of not letting them have their way with you.
Harvey Weinstein was only Hollywood’s most infamous Power Rapist.
That dude’s a power rapist! Our sex was no more consensual than the sex that turned Sally Hemings into Thomas Jefferson’s baby mama. Sally was Jefferson’s slave, before he power raped her into becoming his sex slave, too.
All rape is about power. But, power rape is the worst. Power rapists use their position to mind fuck you into consenting!
To find enjoyment in controlling anything and anyone
He has a power struck mentality
Refers to the absolute power of To Nguyen Quoc Cuong to control the press and news media both in explicit capacity of advocacy and implicit ability to frame political issues.
John: I heard someone gone to jail just for saying what they think again
Tony: Shut up bro, The Fourth Power are listening...To is listening...
Any sexual act you are forced into by a Power Rapist who uses their power as gatekeeper to charge you a sex toll. Any sex act you are forced to consent to performing because you fear the personal, professional or financial consequences of not letting a Power Rapist have their way with you.
My boss power raped me!
My banker wouldn’t approve my loan, until I consented to power rape!
The only way to stop a power rape is to out the power rapist!!!