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Probably the best person you will ever meet. has beautiful eyes. Is super smart and good at everything she tries. Best friend you could possibly have and puts others before herself. Is super funny, thoughtful,energetic, and generous. Is very athletic and pretty.Usually has SUPER thick blond hair. Usually has like, five boys in love with her at once. If you are her friend or boyfriend don't ever let her go. You'll regret it for the rest of your life.

Dude 1: Man, I think I'm in love. There is this super gorgeous and smart girl in my class, but I don't think she even knows I exist.
Dude 2: Is her name Katie?
Dude 1: How did you know?!?!

by Luna_GraNger September 2, 2019


Katie is the hottest girl alive, she knows how to show off even when she doesn’t look her best. If you’re friends with one you should consider yourself very lucky they are amazing. If you have a chance to date one take it they are crazy but fun. Although they might seem mean at times they are teddy bears at heart

Wow that Katie is pretty sexy

by Country roots June 19, 2022


nice shy calm friendly

I want to play with katie

by April 5, 2022


Katie is a very athletic, crazy, kind and small girl. Her brown hair and hazel eyes make her someone all the boys stare at, but may not like her. Katie is always someone you want to be around. She will always stand up for you. If you ever meet a Katie, you will want to be her best friend. Everyone wants to be best friends with Katie. Katie has a huge heart, a part for all her many friends. Katie has many friends as everyone wants a part of her as they know she will stand up for them.

Friend 1- “who’s that??”
Friend 2- “Katie, she is my best friend and everyone else wants to be her best friend as they stand up for everyone
Friend 1-“I want to be her best friend!!”

by Olivia123123123123 November 1, 2019



Hi katie

by PolyThayes February 26, 2022


A Katie is an amazing girl with blue eyes that you could get lost in. She is incredibly good at any sport she tries and can do any thing she puts her mind to, but, sometimes she feels like she has too much responsibilities and can’t always handle it on her own. Even if she says she doesn’t need help she probably does. She is stubborn and is not afraid to fight you. Don’t mess with her friends unless u want to wake up to her in your room.

Her brother is like a mini her so do NOT mess with him and what ever he says goes. She is smart, kind, caring, beautiful, but she doesn’t always see it so make sure to remind her. And remember she may seem tough on the outside but on the inside she is a girl who needs someone to love her and tell her she’s enough.

If you have a Katie in your life, please love her.

Boy 1: I meet this girl, she’s perfect

Boy 2: dude, u just meet a Katie.

by A-hopeless-romantic February 20, 2024


Katie is a wonderful friend and girlfriend to have. She can dress up or dress down, either way she looks hot. She’ll fall hard for a guy but she wont keep it secret she’ll let him know. She’s a really good kisser and hugger. She is the best friend to have but just don’t cross her the wrong way. People may call her mean but she just don’t fuck with lies. So if your a guy and your friends with Katie go after her if you have feelings for her cause she’ll be the most sexy, cute, best hugger, and loving girl ever. Girls, if your lucky enough to be her friend don’t loose her.

1. “My girlfriend, Katie and I have so much fun together and she is the cutest

2. “my friend Katie is always there for me”
3. “Katie is a great kisser
4. “Katie has a nice ass

by Luke Jacob October 29, 2019