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Jont Piece

A large yellow pick up truck used to pick up Walter Johnson girls. Also used to change behind. This vehicle is owned by a DeMatha boy yet utilized by the entire team.

Kristin: Lets go get in the jont piece!
*Dont hurt the jont piece

by K-luv June 12, 2005

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One Piece

a great anime for releasing your inner weeb

I watched episode 132 of One Piece yesterday i became a weeb like you now

by DatHarambarifficBoi January 7, 2017

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a girl or a guy that you have had relations with, who goes around telling their friends of how good you really are in bed...

man, I got two mouth-pieces right now...

by Full Court* February 5, 2021

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Piece control thor

A guy who pretends to be Thor and mighty and worthy, but they are just a weak virgin soul

Oh hey is that piece control thor?

yeah he’s totally funny dude!

by thatoneguywhodie March 24, 2021

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Rippin' off a piece

Having illicit sexual relations with someone who is involved in a relationship. Can be used in non-adulterous situations as well.

q: "How come you didn't meet us at the bar last night?"
a: "I was rippin' off a piece of Elaine's fine ass"


"Rip me off a piece of that bread"


by derp_derp March 4, 2011

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my shit's in pieces

The exact opposite of having your shit together.

I would go to the Kenny G concert with you this weekend but I have to run errands instead - my shit's in pieces.

by Andrew Rng October 9, 2011

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Rat piece of shit

Someone who is very superficial and only cares about vanity.

Yo that guy is only interested in peng 9/10s, when he’s nowhere near that. What a rat piece of shit.

by RatPieceofShite October 9, 2021

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