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The human name of the GOD King of the Galaxy, Universe, and Reality of the V realm. Hidden in the code of the universe, bible, and randomality. Only found with a special key GOD-VIC. Creation story of course 0,1,2,3,4,12,10,9,8... and 0722 Hebrew numerology.
Victor is the Conquer of all, and a Ray of light protecing us all. With the combined powers of his creators The Sun God Ra and God of creation the El. Yet innocent as a lamb, but don't confuse this with no might. For he is not the son he's the Lord of the light, the Victor Ray Rael
The most skibidi guy you will ever know, believes his hair is majestic, and hides cum socks under his bed. His mom is a crazy soccer mom willing to spend as much money as she can to fund his soccer career. Has a hunchback when he walks down the halls.
See that guy walking down the halls? He must be a Mark Ray Lee.