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Russian Gas Chamber

The act of farting in a hot car, then rolling the windows all the way up, and there are more than one person in the car.

Last night, my mom got pissed off at me because I did a Russian Gas Chamber when she was driving on I-80!

by Daola December 1, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

russian bob slead

while you are having sex analy and you ride the partner down the stairs like a slead.

she is like a dog.. russian bob slead.

by x brody o August 2, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Russian Sleeping Pill

When a person rubs there hands together and hits someone open handed so hard that they go to sleep.

"Dude he gave him a russian sleeping pill and was knocked out cold!"

by Missbeautiful1 November 6, 2012

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Russian Ketchup Squirter

You find a girl who squirts and wait until she is on her period. Then when she is on her period you fuck her until she squirts her red juicy goodness all over an open hot dog bun and you proceed to eat it.

russian ketchup squirter

by vaginalinspecter420 November 17, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Russian Blin For Win

Russian Blin For Win is one of the bigger gangs in Russia. It is also an ESEA e-Sport team in CS:GO. The gang symbol is a blin, which is a Russian pancake.

1) Dimitri bratan, you shouldn't fuck with him, he is part of ze Russian Blin For Win
2) Oh no, we are playing against the Russian Blin For Win in CS:GO, we lost this guys

by Vinnoo75 June 1, 2020

Russian Firing Squad

Gather Vladimir Putin and the whole Russian gymnastics team. Putin will then continuously mouth bang the whole team until he blows.

Gave em a Russian Firing Squad last night!
Russia Putin Penis blowjob

by WillieTrill May 5, 2015

Russian Salmon Trap

When one staples ones dickhole together and then proceed to partake in sexual intercourse with a female.

Unknown: Hey man. How was last night?
โ€œOh it was great we tried the Russian Salmon Trap, blood was flowingโ€

by 333PROMETHEUS January 29, 2022