Someone who can tell it straight up and doesn't give a fuck what other people think, they can give someone the truth without sugar coating it and won't care if other people call her a bitch.
Did you hear how she told her that her boyfriend was cheating?
Yeah mate, she's such a blunt bitch
A woman so degrading and low down that she is the standard of a filthy whore. This type of woman lies, steals, cheats, will even put on a act like she's a virtuous woman when behind closed doors she's the mother of all harlots. She will suck a man's cock while talking on the telephone to her unsuspecting husband or boyfriend. She is no good. She's also the most degenerate and untrustworthy of all women.
Marissa is a low bitch because she gave her husband Roberto HIV three months into their marriage.
In motocross, the person that holds the racer's water or bike while the racer is preoccupied is called the pit bitch. Although it seems like a derogatory term, the job is actually very important to the racer. Female presence is expected.
In motorcycle racing, every pit bitch graduates to an umbrella girl and the clothing becomes sexier because of the lack of dirt and dust. Also, high heels can be worn on the pavement.
Squid: "Dude I could have totally used a pit bitch after that last moto, I nearly passed the fuck out when I came off the track!"
Pro: "Man, I remember those days. My pit bitch holds my water while I'm in the gate and she even holds my bike when I gotta take a piss!"
A bitch boy who loves doing chores and cooking dinner. Oh, and sucking cock, naturally.
Chris, the jizz bitch, loves to come home and cook dinner then suck off animals.
glitter worn by whorish drunken women named sara. Often associated and worn by men in association and close contact with said whore.
I can't get this bitch glitter off of me!
Load up my burrito!
Put an extra amount
*chipotle worker putting condiments on burrito*
“Is that enough?”-worker
“No, Pile it on bitch!”-me
The Asian pronunciation of bitch please.
Coined by Drifter Dingo.
Girl asks Asian if they would like to return to her pagoda. Asian responds, "bitch preez!"