Researching and immediately becoming an expert in field . Watch videos on collecting/fixing/repair etc. solely watching YouTube videos. Akin to folks that think Wikipedia is a cop out source of information. Related to those that demand medication from their doctors cause the rx commercial told them all about it.
(Week end buddies come together to build another buddy's deck...)
A: You need to dig a hole 47" to support post.
B: No, its 55".
A: No, is 47" minimum. I saw it on a youtube video.nn
B: Well I remember reading the specifications when I applied for permit. Stop doing YouTube due diligence bro, you can hurt somebody.
When you search for a video on YouTube and let it's auto play function do the rest. Within a few videos time you can be watching something of a completely different genre
Person A: What music shall we listen to?
Person B: Search for Metallica and go on a YouTube Journey
the dad if you dont have a dad! The one that teaches you stuff that your father would've teached you, but on youtube. For example how to change the motor oil or to replace a fuse in the fuse box! This father doesnt give you love but he really helps.
i dont have a dad, but i have a youtube dad that teaches me dad-stuff.
A place of youtube that some people know of.
Elsagate is part of (YouTube's) Youtube outer zone
Any occupation where you have so much free time that you can safely watch YouTube without fear of repercussions.
I just started this new maintenance gig and it's already turning into a YouTube job.