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When you’re dating someone that works graveyard shift.

She got zombied by that guy on works night shift!

by SwagB9k January 23, 2020


When an ex messages you out of nowhere asking for money, a hookup or a place to crash.

I got Zombied last night by my ex Karen. She wanted a booty call

by Direwolf May 7, 2023

zombie government

A non or partly-functioning government usually with several vacant ministerial posts and a caretaker Prime Minister, who can only do certain things until a successor is elected. Usually, this is seen as a reason that a general election must be called.

“We have a zombie government and a prime minister missing in action. The country deserves better during this time of national crisis.” - Christine Jardine, Liberal Democrat MP

by Bryn89 August 8, 2022

maud zombie

Wicked ass derby girl that always drinks her boyfriends under the table.

P1 "We went out last night and my girlfriend totally Maud Zombied me."
P2 "you gotta dump that bitch, she be showing you up."

by TalkerBettyCrocker February 10, 2014

Zombie man (Bob)

crusty old guy waiting for his grave to be dug, good friends with robbo, rips ass alot and tells you to get out of the doorway. salutes to random children making you his next victim

Connor, Angus, Jake and Elijah : Hi zombie man! (or) Hey bob!
Zombie man (bob) : Hey boyss! *salutes crustilly*

by FatGronk2 April 8, 2021

Zombie Punch

a sexual practice of inflicting blunt force trauma to the back of the head or lower back of the receiving partner during an orgasm.

It is derived from the term "Le petite mort" which in French means "the little death" and is generally used as a euphemism for orgasm.

During her orgasm, Janice felt a sudden force on her head. Keith had zombie punched her!

by Khathaddeus November 29, 2023

Zombie Hunter

a person that hunts zombies for a living or just for survival, mostly seen with an axe or shotgun.

one zombie to another:
better watch out that zombie hunter is out hunting zombies again

by someonewhowrotethisdefinition May 28, 2018