An popular Salvadoran Youtuber who usually makes videos mostly about curiosity and other relatable categoríes, he was formely described as an shitposter at first, gaining lots of views and receiving positive comments by hes content
ISaak Player is Unique, he's also such a very Nice person!
Typically accompanied by hand gestures:
Air guns, wherein the two fingers represent the shaft
or peace\victory
A boss way of handling business.
A: did you get it done?
B: two fingers like a player
Proper Terminology: NPCs exhibit highly restricted behaviour and exhibit predictable responses to our interactions. They are confined to the parameters set by their code and lack consciousness or vitality, a fact that becomes evident only when real players engage with them.
Laymen Terminology: A person who is an empty shell, who lacks internal substance and has no character or personality. They live to exist, and have no purpose.
Street Terminology: Fake ass b*tch.
Carla: How do you manage dealing with Non Player Character or NPC?
Jake: You just have to allow it.
Carla: Do you mean, just accept it?
Jake: Yeah. They're like born without a soul.
Player-Autocracy is the measure or condition
of absolute control the player has over the
actions taken in a game. It is, at its simplest, the fact that the
player, and thus the act of play, involve
unchallenged power. It is less one solid moment or thing than
it is a gradient of control that the player
has over mechanics and information of a game
Hey vic 2 is just player-autocracy that's why the ai is bad
They are the athletes are aren’t afraid of anything. They get so annoyed at hockey players when they tell us that Ringette isn’t a sport when it is. They are the fastest people on ice no cap. They are super competitive and are great people to be around once you get to know them.
At they’re game:
Damn those some fast skaters.
That’s probably because they are Ringette players.
A Fortnite player. He’s pretty good at the game along side his duo partner Tingamajig.
Person 1: “dude, have you heard of Anti?”
Person 2: “you mean Anti the Fortnite Player? Yea I’ve heard of him. Him and his duo partner are scary good!”
A big meanie head who abuses his ping on Fortnite. And his FPS. A real douche unlike Tingamajig.
Anti The Fortnite Player: “Man I’m lagging!”
Tingamajig: “What’s your ping?”
Anti The Fortnite Player: “2!”
Tingamajig: *hangs up, while on 80 ping...*