Source Code

What's the move?

A phrase Memphis people say to ask what they're going to do or where to hang out.

Person 1: What's the move?
Person 2: Miccos in Collierville!

by PeopleofMemphis March 6, 2018

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What the plague?!

An exclamation of surprise or confusion.

Made popular by the play "The School For Scandal".

Hey-- what the plague?!

by Thureris April 17, 2005

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what it swurv

Like, how's it going.

Similar to 'what it do?'

yo wadda', what it swurv?

nuddin cha know, chillin chillin.

by Rico el Loco July 7, 2008

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what the boashe

alternative to:
what the hell? what the f*ck? what the bloody hell? what the blood claart is goin on? a wot di bumbo raas klaart?

judje:ur being sentenced to 5 years in prison
man: ah what the BOASHE!

man1:do u have that ยฃ75 u owe me?
man2:no i havent been paid yet, i gave money to my mum, i got robbed in the street, give me till friday, i went in2 my house to get it but i instead walked out with a bowl of rice nd no money
man1:what the BOASHE u on about?

you find ur partner lookin through your mobile phone:

your friend has done something which u think is disrespectful so u say:

you:what the boashe u dealin wit?
you:i said what the boashe r u dealin wit?
frend: what the boashe u on bout u crazy fool?

by big poppa smurf May 23, 2008

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What's golden

A way of greeting someone. Same as whats good.

"Ay bro what's golden?"

by aCain November 26, 2007

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What is evil?

Originated by Jonathan Welhous, when in a depressed mood, asking your self "what is evil" will help you realize the meaning of life.

All in...Call....Trip Queens.....Full house..... WHAT IS EVIL?!?

by eaglez1989 June 4, 2010

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And what about it?

how to not get bullied-- if someone insults you, say "and what about it"

Yes I did that. And what about it?

by fendee November 13, 2020

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