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baked potato

the act of scaring someone so bad that they shit themselves thereby creating what looks like a large baked potato on their pants.

I scared Rob so bad he had a baked potato.

by darthdaddydaadfgasfdhgjhgdkg April 24, 2017

Baked Potato

A stoned person who happens to be overweight or even obese.

"Dude, is that Randy hotboxing in his car?"
"Yeah he's turning into a baked potato."

by UrFriendlyNeighborhoodSpartan September 13, 2014

baked potato

When you are so high that you lose muscle control, becoming a potato. A baked potato.

If I smoke a blunt alone, I'm pretty baked potato.

by docbrown3 July 5, 2014

Baked Potato

When a larger sized person gets really high.

"Damn, this fool is a baked potato."

by UnicornPornHorn March 29, 2015

Baked potato

The term used to refer to an individual acting clumsy, gullible, or stupid. A baked potato is a person who is usually devoid of basic common sense and sometimes can lower other people's intelligence around them due to their utter lack of comprehension. Baked potatoes are a quite particular entity but we have all been baked potatoes at one point or another and that's okay.

Person 1: Oh my goodness!
Person 2: What?
Person 1: Mark is such a baked potato!
Person 2: Tell me about it!

by notyouraveragemale May 22, 2022

Baked potato

The term used to refer to an individual acting clumsy, gullible, or stupid. A baked potato is a person who usually is devoid of basic common sense and can lower the intelligence of others around them due to their utter lack of comprehension. All though baked potatoes are a very particular entity, we have all been baked potatoes at one point or another and that's okay.

Person 1: Oh my goodness!
Person 2: What?
Person 1: Mark is such a baked potato!
Person 2: Tell me about it!

by notyouraveragemale May 23, 2022

Baked Potato

The act of a person with Down syndrome getting high

I know I want to make my brother a baked potato

by Rosstherubberchicken October 18, 2019