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Riley has the most dominance in the world

Riley the bong ripper has the most dominance in the world

by Dilldo72042069 July 5, 2022



The man was intimidated by dominance himself.

by Sir king the third September 21, 2023

dominic scott

White boy that plays minecraft and yells at his mom about his erectile disfunction.

dominic Scott, stop complaining about your life

by Jacoob Scoot January 25, 2018

Plotting world domination

(Usually preceded by calling them an npc and claiming "bro thinks..." or" bro's...")

1) A goofy, mocking way of describing someone who's lost deeply in thought.

2) A way of mocking someone who's really mad but is "fighting demons" in their head


person 1: look at this npc, he's staring into space.
person 2: Bro thinks he's plotting world domination.

person 1: whys this npc so mad?
person 2: i know right, bro's plotting world domination.

by whatsthatword? April 9, 2024

St Dominic’s School

A school where no one plans anything and computers never work properly.

The technology never functions at st Dominic’s school

by Motorway6 June 4, 2024

St Dominic’s School

A SEN school located in Hambledon whit a capacity of around 150 students and runs from year 3 through sixth form. St Dominic’s sets minimal homework and has an early finish on Fridays.

Some of the classes are a mess with very little work being completed and it’s not unheard of for some lessons to not have a teacher especially when subs are involved.

St Dominic’s school is the best school in Surrey.

by Motorway6 April 15, 2024

St Dominic’s School

A school with constant technical issues

The internet and printers never work at St Dominic’s school

by Motorway6 April 15, 2024