The skin that is left hanging after someone pushes a large Walrus dildo up the booty.
Damn your beefy flap jacks are torn up out after taking such a large Walrus dildo!
Peepee flaps are what you yell to your best friend when you are bored
Girl1: I am bored. Girl2: PEEPEE FLAPS! Girl1:lmfao
The ancient art of plucking ones public hair from the labium.
Are you engaging in piss flap plucking again?
noun - the flappy piece of skin that hangs from the inside of the upper arm.
grandma gracie suffocated me with her tri flaps when she hugged me at christmas.
mrs. maple's class is hella hard because when she truns to lecture to the students while she's writing her massive tri flaps erase all the chalk off the board because she's left handed.
The condition of having additional skin draping above one’s asshole similar to or the male equivalent of the females meat curtain Also known by its slang names trampoline man hole cover or dirty mud flap also known as the Flying squirrel. Stinky mole hill blanket ,dirty sheet uncle skeeters apple fritter.
Yo bitch come over here and gnaw the carpet burn scabs off my Kermit flaps while u juggle my balls ho!
an annoying phrase used by others to make you feel bad when you are invited to do something but don't do it
when you didn't go to something when invited to do it
other word for letdown
toby i dare you to jump that fence!
nahh man
you're flapping the sesh!