A person who must own a copy of every alternate take, live version and demo of a song.
"Though Jimi Hendrix made 3 studio albums and 1 live album, Bob has to be a Alternate Take Freak and own every demo
The act of giving one's complete attention to quantitative information usually in the form of statistical proof most commonly populated by but not limited to computer programs such as Excel and Tableau.
Most likely to engage in the act of data-freaking are "data-freaks" not to be confused with "data-geeks" which define a population with capabilities to analyze quantitatively however in an unawesome way. (reference data-geeking)
"Due to the optimization team's intense data-freaking last night we now run our advertising campaigns more effectively."
"Hey guys, while data-freaking I found an awesome way to chart this data set!"
Basically wtf but a kids version
What the fuck?
“freak bin” is a phrase used to say something is rad or cool, originates from scotland highlands youth in 2023
yo that jacket is freak bin bro
Carl the NPC says this because he wants the gun but he can't pick it up.
(Player joins game)
Carl: Gun! Give me the freaking gun!
Player: No
Internet slang for a couple that suits each other in proclivities. For instance both having eclectic taste in media or sexual preferences. Also can be used to describe a couple who is mutually obsessed.
You guys are such a freak 4 freak couple with the way you stalk him and he constantly watched you through his window.
1👍 1👎
A term saying you are the label "scene" showing you are showing a little too much love for scene clothing , music , hairstyles , and makeup . Means you are way to obssesed with being a scene . like scene kings , and scene queens involve too .
Brooke: Did you see that over-dressed chick with lots of colours at the mall ?
Mark: Yeah .. what a scene freak ..