Source Code

a communication error has occurred

when the nintendo game your playing has bad online netcode. you'll see this message pop up alot

*plays a nintendo game, probably smash bros or splatoon, idk*
*internet goes shiet*
nintendo: "a communication error has occurred."

by koiyune June 7, 2024

ha martin

That one kid in your class that everyone says ha then his or her name. Often said randomly.

Hey Ben what’s the homework

Ha Martin

by Ur boiii June 14, 2018

National Gif-Has-A-Hard-G Week

Takes place between Oct 11 thru 17.
Nobody may say GIF as JIF, and if they do, they get arrested by the shrek police and must be taken to Hell by Jod.

I love National Gif-Has-A-Hard-G Week!

by Impasta1472 October 12, 2022

Phan ha

Alien name, asian, extremely gooooood looking and most likely has big brain..

Wow...Phan ha . She doesn’t speak human

by Nonamejust_ November 20, 2021

Brian is a boy who has the biggest balls

Poetic (alternative of ‘biggest bollocks boy’) (for the /b/ sound). Also a tongue twister.

Brian is a boy who has the biggest balls in the world so many people called him ‘biggest bollocks boy’.

by marcotoa January 19, 2025

Ha Cha Cha

The famous slogan of Mickey Mouse's rival, Mortimer Mouse.

Pete is big, but now he's small, and this is how I'm gonna take it all. Ha Cha Cha.

by Jack the Weirdo Thing February 25, 2024

andrei has a big dick

Andrei does indeed have a massive magnum sized shlong

dam Andrei has a big dick

by jgfthjhgfjhgffghj November 21, 2023