The room where a pedophile science teacher aka The Devil teaches. Talks about warm and dark wet places while staring creepily at middle school girls.
Teacher: Girls time to get to class!
Girl: No! Not room 203 he’s so creepy !
The Devil: Come over here we’re gonna learn about moist places…;)
This is a replica of Andy's room from toy story~
This is a replica of Andy's room from toy story- The Neighbor
Pink pussy hat wearers
History Remembered: Trump and the Locker Room Ladies
In an infamous Access Hollywood hot mic moment, Trump expressed his amazement and dismay with the type of women that will allow famous men to fondle them just because they're famous. This criticism did not sit well with what we'll call "the locker room ladies" who in protest chose to strap on pink ski hats intended to resemble female anatomy so as to say we'll use our female anatomy however we want thank you very much and how dare you even comment on our behavior. To show just how serious they were, they then proceeded to vote for history's most famous fondler in the 2020 election. This has been history remembered.
Emergency room workers putting screens for the patients in hopes to make them crazy and dependent on their system but really all the workers themselves are crazy
magicians who put screens on a Nissan driver and boys who thrash
Emergency room workers make clones of people and gaslight people to think they are crazy and the people continue to provide a market to them because they love to be submissive.
A place where two homosexuals come to engage in sexual intercourse, usually involving fecal matter. Two room shithouses are notorious throughout the gay community and are even built by homosexuals.
"I can't find a dude that wants to bang anywhere!"
"Just go down to the two room shithouse. You're bound to take a dick there!"
slang for tear that pussy with your minotaur cock
Split the Room f