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pirates den

Taking 2 dicks in the same hole, applies to both men and women

He had 2 guys come home with him and make him into a pirates den.

by NodickRick January 10, 2018

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Rubber Pirate

When you put a condom on one of your legs and proceed to hobble towards your lover groaning and yelling Argh whilst plundering her booty.

John: Hey man i was doing the rubber pirate all night!
Jack: Did you Plunder her booty?

by rockmetler March 3, 2012

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pirate studying

Studying with one eye due to an injury to your other eye. Commonly occurs when you get an unexpected eye injury the night before an exam or test, so you have no choice but to study. The injury can come from sports or, if you are a girl or a gay male, from getting a cumshot right in ur eye when trying to loosen up ur special someone before the test u both have.

Natalie: How did you write your exam after that soccer injury last night?
Andrรฉ: Oh, I was just pirate studying last night so that I'd be ready.

by The Great Frenchy June 24, 2010

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Pirates Booty

THE BEST SNACK EVER! If you ever get hungry and don't know what to eat, buy pirates booty! It is cheesy and delicious! They are crunchy and sometimes soft! Perfect snack!

Girl: What snack should we eat?
Me: Definitely pirates booty!
Girl: Mmmm yeah!!

by hiitsmekatieannoyinggirl May 14, 2020

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Pirate Of the Caribbean

When one self loads munchkins into their anus, takes laxative and proceeds to shoot eat munchkin out of their asshole.

Yo!!! Did you see Tyler being a pirate of the caribbean?
He was launching those cannon balls.

by BMX_RIder_6969 December 11, 2019

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pirate bath

A phrase used by a mother to a disgusting child (usually male) who refuses to bath or wash. in the misguided hope that her evil-smelling little darling -who believes he wants to be a pirate if her grows up- will remove just a little of the filth and grime which has accumulated and become in some small way acceptable to others.

Mommy said "have a pirate bath because that is how Pirates wash" and the beastly little creature believed her.

by Mo Lincs January 27, 2010

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a group of smelly men mostly, with a few hoe bag women who trollop around grunting and making no sense at all.
excess attire, and full of viruses...these smelly pirates jump into rooms and usually peeps scatter because of the utter smell of these unwashed peeps.

they hate the ninjas only because the ninjas are clean, classy, and creative.

argggg yarrrrr
"i am a smelly pirate, smell my booty"

by trueness to the third power March 14, 2008

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