A phrase utilized after someone in the vicinity sneezes in a particularly exuberant manner.
"Whoah man, snap snoogle!
When someone adds you on SnapChat just to send you back to back snaps in order to raise they're snap score.
Someone just Snap Dumped me and raised their score by 100 points.
When a person with red hair and the fiery temper generally associated with it totally loses their shit, screaming and foaming at the mouth due to something trivial....
Kathleen had a complete Ginger Nut Snap when she found that someone had removed her yoghurt from the office refrigerator....
The act of pulling the snorkel face mask away from the face of another person and letting it snap right back into their face.
Tess was snorkeling when all of a sudden Brian went right up to her and Snorkel snapped her.
A Snap Rat is a person whose only form of communication is Snapchat.
Yo, did you talk to Mable yet?
Nah. I heard she's a Snap Rat. Not really into that.
When you hit someone so hard they shit themselves
I'm an about to give you a dookie snap
When you send a snapchat and the person replies, but you forgot what you said originally
Person 1: Dude, she snapped me and I had no clue what she was talking about because I forgot what I said
Person 2: Oh you got that Snap Term Memory Loss