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kentucky plug

The act of placing one's thumb deep inside the rectum of a sexual partner with the intent to block all gushing and/or leakage from occurring.

My boy Scott gave her a Kentucky Plug and she was damn near stuffed up the whole day!

by AstroRaptor May 20, 2021

kentucky plug

When you stick your thumb in their ass then cum in their eye without warning.

Man I gave my girl the “Kentucky plug” last night she had no idea it was coming.

by Bman John May 20, 2021

kentucky plug

The sex position

I'm give her the Kentucky plug

by Dark 4 Playz May 20, 2021

kentucky plug

A sex position in which a deformed thumb in inserted into the anal cavity.

Scott gave Mats wife Meredith the good old Kentucky plug.

by jandy304 May 20, 2021

kentucky plug

When she's about to gush so hard, ya gotta jam a thumb in to save the sheets.

Sometimes ya just gotta do the ol kentucky plug so you dont leave any evidence in your step sister's sheets.

by Stone Grendel May 21, 2021

Kentucky plug

Lighting a firecracker while simultaneously ripping the but plug out of your partner's anus followed by a swift slap.

Jess won't even talk to Tom after he gave her the good ole' Kentucky Plug

by Kenosha Quick Draw Kid May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

The art of plugging miscellaneous holes with your thumb so fluids don’t leak out.

I was doing her doggy and she almost shit on me so I gave her the Kentucky plug.

by Diznuts12349 May 21, 2021