A blanket excuse the Jordanian CSGO player Adi uses for when he gets a kill using wall and or aim hacks in the video game CSGO
Person 1: Dude, that guy has to be hacking, he no scoped me through a wall
Person 2: Nah that's just Adi things
When random things repeatedly happen to someone, like they've been singled out by the universe
Person A: She only realised she wore a non-matching pair of socks again when she got to the office.
Person B: Lol. That's such a Mel thing.
A level 5 sexual move in which you need rocks and dirt. To preform this move you must nut on the bitches back and then right before she has time to react throw the rocks and dirt on her
I just did The Thing to a bitch last night.
The thing has become a popular term used to describe when a man gets "boner". The term became popular during the summer of 2022 and used mostly in the Toronto area.
"When he saw his wife he got the thing"
The dialectic between the antithesis and the synthesis of a topic, generating a new synthesis when created.
Goodrich has posited the thing
Refers to a fat cat. It is used in cat brainrot videos
Drinking milk straight from the thing.