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Plan B Toilet Paper

A fallback plan for running out of toilet paper, which involves taking an unscheduled shower to prevent dingleberries or racing tracks.

Dude, this Plan B Toilet Paper is getting old. If you kill the toilet paper, buy some more!

by RootsofWar November 15, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

toilet paper boxing glove

A toilet paper boxing glove is where some individuals use half a roll of toilet paper each time they wipe their butt.The entire hand is wound with 10-20 wraps of TP all the way down to the wrist. At first glance,the toilet tissue bandaged hand might be mistaken to be broken or badly burned.

Dad looked like he'd been to the emergency room with that toilet paper boxing glove.

by wolfbait51 March 30, 2011

50๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Upper Decker Toilet Wrecker

The act in which one removes the lid to the tank of a toilet and proceeds to deficate or shit. Once finished, replacing the lid and walking away as if nothing has happened.

End result: Next person flushes toilet and shit is then flushed through.

"Yo dude...I just did a 'Upper Decker Toilet Wrecker' up in that pisser man...hahaha...poor bastards"

by Shaff Dizzle January 6, 2004

71๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

rest stop toilet paper

Super low grade single ply butt ribbon found in the bathrooms of rest stops,service stations and most other public rest rooms.Contains visible chunks of wood pulp.15 sheets glued together qualifies as plywood.What name brands compare their product to and refer to as "the next leading brand".

I got splinters in my fingers from using that rest stop toilet paper.

by wolfbait51 May 9, 2011

58๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

John Wayne toilet paper

Inexpensive, single-ply, institutional-grade coarse toilet paper; from a joke. This stuff we use is John Wayne toilet paper; it's rough, it's tough, and it takes no crap off of anyone!

Barry in janitorial services went the passive-aggressive route when he was stiffed on his long-overdue raise. Suddenly, the two-ply Charmin was replaced by John Wayne toilet paper.

by Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head September 11, 2005

134๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

same shit different toilet

used by eminem in his song so bad. It means something the same but, different.

person 1: hows life
person 2: same shit different toilet

translation: different day but its the same

by chrisbrownslover April 22, 2011

75๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Clean my Dirty Toilet

A way to solicit gay sex in a socially acceptable manner via Craigslist.

I will give you $20/hr to come clean my dirty toilet.

by thelizx May 7, 2009