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I love the boys

A reference to the pure ched feeling when going bardownski on a rocket while packing upper deckies “I love the boys” is also a slang term for ferda

I love the boys. I love the boys let’s go wheel

by ..&3&3 October 5, 2022

Oh shit, I just cheesed

An exclamation used when cheese gets thrown into the mix during sexual intercourse.

Johhny was jerking off in the pantry when his elbow hit a shelf, dropping a slice of cheese onto his dick, reaching orgasm as the tender cheese carresed his engorged glands.
"Oh shit, I just cheesed", he exclaimed.

by World_cheese_centre_2001 February 6, 2024

Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler, your so skibidi, your so fanum tax. I just wanna be your sigma, fricking come here

Absolute brain rot cringe.

my favorite song! sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler, your so skibidi, your so fanum tax. I just wanna be your sigma, fricking come here

by Tv February 29, 2024

I Didn't Mind It

The person didn't like it at all, and they are just trying to be polite, so they won't hurt your feeling because they know you are a sensitive little bitch.

I sucked Terry's dick while doing a handstand last night, and when I asked him how it was, he said I didn't mind it, so I broke up with him and took the kids.

by Timjean March 9, 2023

I see a window of opportunity

That may be so, but is said window actually **open** for you to "acceptably" pass through it, or do you hafta BREAK THE GLASS to get in? Figurative speech, of course --- what it means, obviously, is that not every opportunity you may encounter was meant to be taken, ya know --- just because you CAN do something self-enriching doesn't mean that you SHOULD... for example, if someone has accidentally revealed a "privileged" tidbit of information, that is **not** implied or actual permission for you to utilize said info for your own benefit! Or maybe someone did indeed unknowingly leave something of value just lying around, but that doesn't give you the right to simply take it! Before you just "go grabbing" in cases like this, pause a moment to run the idea though your "Golden Rule analyzer" --- in other words, consider if this would really be fair to everyone involved, especially if you have no quarrel or resentment against said careless person, and therefore you would not be inclined to perform vengeful actions against him! And ask yourself what YOU would want done in an instance like this if YOU had been the one who had inadvertently exposed himself to possible loss or humiliation like this... would you want someone else to just gleefully avail himself of said "blood-opportunity", or would you strongly prefer an observer to just promptly inform you of your error so that you could hastily correct it???

Some repairmen had unwittingly neglected to observe a loose door-latch on a side-entrance to a public-assembly building that I had always enjoyed visiting, and so my initial knee-jerk reaction was to think, "I see a window of opportunity!" in that this unsecured door meant that I could secretly access said meeting-house whenever I wished, even when it was locked up. But then I remembered how kind and generous and accommodating the officials of said establishment had always been to me, and so I forlornly forfeited said "wonderful option" and "did the right thing" instead --- I immediately speed-waked downtown and informed one of the community's seniors about the defective lock. He was extremely grateful to me, warmly praised me for my conscientiousness, and even graciously gave me one-time permission to utilize said unsecured door to slip back inside the now-closed building and finish making a movie ("You may even turn some lights back on to brighten up the room enough for your camera!") of the hall's delightful interior furnishings, even though it was technically "after hours" and so nobody else was there.

by QuacksO September 12, 2019

What I tell you

When you prove a dumb nigga wrong or you say you gonna do it and you did it

Guy1: yo these curls been getting me hoes
Guy2: No they don’t it make you lame
Guy1: bet if I get that girls insta
Guy2: ok bet
*walks up to the baddies asks for they insta and gets it*
Guy1: what I tell you dumb nigga dem curls make me fine

by cxrlyyboricua October 21, 2020

The 'I have kids' defense

The ultimate trump card. When you're down and out it's the last defense you have against people trying to justify your repositioning in society.

Hym "A prime example of the 'I have kids' defense is KRISTI NOEM. In her interview after it was revealed that she shot her own dog, she DESPERATELY tried to employ this defense before being shoved out of the spotlight. 'I'm a mother! I wanna go upies! Not downies! Nooooooooooo!' Heheheheh... And a more recent example is Andrew Tate's interview after getting out recently. 'I have kids! I'm supposed to be able to do whatever I want! Anything and everything is justifiable when you have kids!' Ha! It's ALWAYS THE CASE! He stole? He had to steal for the kids! Why does policy need to change? The kids? Why did we bomb those kids? The kids of course. But your kids are just you. Nothing changed when you had them. Maybe, socially, you moved into the class of people that other people have to give a shit about by way of extension. That's not real a change though. Your kids = You. Their inflated value exists only in relationship to you. Saying 'MY kids are more important than anything' is no different that saying 'I'm more important than anything.' You. Same thing."

by Hym Iam August 24, 2024