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American girls

American girls are girls who use feminism in a wrong way. They claim that feminism allows them to hook up with as many men as possible to the point that they contract venereal disease, herpes, STDs etc. Plus, aborting their babies to avoid facing the consequences of their actions. They praise sex workers more than stay-at-home mothers which is very disgusting. American girls can be white, black, hispanic, native or asian so if you are a girl born in a more liberated country like the USA, then their are chances that your kitty looks like a flat tire. All in all, American girls are immoral girls.

Mary: Hey! Have you heard of Jessica having STD? It kinda sucks.

Jane: Yes. I also heard Becky aborted her baby to live an easy life. She's such a baby killer!

Mary: What have American girls become!?

by YourPunjabiGal August 10, 2024

American girls

Girls who live in the United States, obviously. But what makes these girls annoying are their rampant beliefs in feminism. I wonder if they really know the true meaning of feminism, prolly not. American girls think that it's empowering to post nudes on OF, engage in hookup culture, wear heavy makeup and tight clothes. These girls also think that girls from Eastern countries are oppressed when it's actually quite the opposite. Women in Eastern countries value their culture and religion, treat their bodies like sacred temples and most of all, they do not cater to men. American girls think that being a prostitute is more empowering than being a housewife and mother.

Rajdeep: Have you heard that American girls think we are oppressed by our men?

Harshaali: Yes, so many times! They really think they know more about us than we know about ourselves.

by YourPunjabiGal January 16, 2024

Girl Pretty

When a woman is viewed as more attractive by other women than by guys. Typically, this woman is more "beautiful" than they are hot, but this is subjective as different people have certain types.

Girl: OMG!!! Taylor Swift's soooo pretty i wish i looked like her!!
Guy: She ain't all that
Girl: WHAT????
Guy: She's girl pretty.... She might be beautiful but she ain't hot

by definitiondictator December 24, 2023

Tater tot girl

Always first in line at lunch. Always ask for peoples tater tots. Claims she is a good quarterback. Lives in a trailer park and shops at Ross.

She is a real tater tot girl.

by N-word scissorhands March 31, 2021

Boys and Girls

Girl: How do I look like in this new dress?
Girl friends: You look gorges!
Girl friends: You are so pretty

Girl friends: so beautiful!
Me: Maybe a McDonalds costume will look better on you…! 🀌

Boys and Girls are different from each other

by MoonLemon January 24, 2022

5th gen it girl

The phase was made for Natty of the kpop group KISS Of life, given by K-netizens

β€œNatty is definitely 5th gen it girl.”

by Nattyitgirl March 31, 2024

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5th gen it girl

The 5th gen of K-pop’s it girl. IM YEOJIN!

β€œIt’s proved that Yeojin of LOOSSEMBLE is the 5th gen it girl.”

by yeojin5thgenitgirl December 12, 2023

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