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A different way to do >.<, >,< , >< , >_<, >-< , etc XD

You: >v< i love that song! >v<

by SORRIKKAI January 22, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Like the chinky smile but the "v" serves as the peace sign that asians tend to abuse when it comes to pictures

person 1 types - ^_^

person 2 types- "dude...youre not a real asian...its like this ^_^v "

by Gina Tran July 14, 2006

24๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mysterious person, very mysterious

A mysterious person, very mysterious mysterious tune plays

by Takashi Shirogane my beloved January 25, 2023


The fookin best letter in the alphabet!

It's godlike.

V is like a god

by hwang.god November 7, 2019


Slang for โ€œvapeโ€.

โ€œGimme back my v or Iโ€™ll punch you in the god damn face hoe ass bitch.โ€

by Kaianna February 8, 2019


what someone says when they try to paste something but accidentally forget to hold CTRL, or held shift instead

1: yo whats the link to that video again
2: hold on i think i have it
2: v
1: what

by schauspieler September 2, 2022


you didnt hold ctrl

I tried pasting my essay from Wikipedia but I missed the ctrl button and typed v instead
Teacher: this essay is shit

by Ur gay hah October 27, 2022