Source Code


Often short for threesome and sometimes used a code for threesome

Person 1: β€œwhat happened last night ?”
Person 2: β€œ3 πŸ€«β€

by Kxle4567 June 17, 2020

26πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Face used on Internet to express a kiss.

A) By my love.
B) Bye... *3*

by Darinbox March 7, 2007

35πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Smiley face with Salvador Dali mustache

The Salvador Dali exhibit at the LACMA was so weird and interesting :3)

by RCG October 29, 2007

236πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž


1. A smiley face, meaning you are happy, but it is more than ":)" or ":D"
Similar to o3o , but more cheerful. The "^^"s depict closed eyes and the "3" depicts puckered lips.

2. A smiley face meaning you are impressed.

3. A smiley face meaning you want to kiss someone.

1. Thanks for the friend invite ^3^

2. Wow, you showed that idiot who's boss. I'm so looking up to you now ^3^

3. Gimme some lovin baby ^3^

by forthewin May 13, 2009

61πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Go tomorrow??
For a 3❀️❀️❀️

Love you always

by U r my missing piece🎡 ❀️ YOU May 31, 2023

78πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


It's supposed to be a coy internet smiley face, resembling something like a cat, cuteness in nature.

I personally think it looks like a ballsack mouth.

Woman: Meow!! :3

Man: I'm gonna teabag your ass! :3

by Sasquatch1337 August 11, 2010

6427πŸ‘ 4068πŸ‘Ž


A IM/SMS symbol for a british icecream cornet with a chocolate flake stuck on top.

infatuated teenage girl:OMG!ahhh,do you really love me sending me the text <3-?
abusive older guy: WTF! NO i don't you stupid bitch,i can hear green sleeve!i want you to go to the Mr Whippy icecream van and get me a 99,doubled flaked and dont you forget to sprinkle 100's and 1,000's on top!

by mohair August 8, 2007

114πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž