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Brendan Schaub

A former MMA fighter who co-hosts a podcast, The Fighter and the Kid. He is friends with Joe Rogan. He appeared frequently on Joe's show, which caused his popularity to skyrocket. Although his podcasts and stand-up comedy are successful, Schaub gets a ton of hate as well.

One commonly cited reason for hating Brendan is that he's a bully. Brendan has bragged about bullying his passive-aggressive college roommate and throwing him through a glass door. He's also hated for being a habitual liar. He tells stories on his podcasts that are obviously fake, and he's unaware of how obvious it is that he's lying. He lies about altercations he's had to make himself look like the good guy. Another reason for the hate is how he acts around people. He interrupts his co-host and his guests all the time and finishes their sentences. He tries to cheat on his wife, and when people expose his infidelity he threatens to sue them and destroy their careers. Brendan is super confident in his opinions even when he's dead wrong. The exception is when he's around Joe Rogan, in that case he changes all his opinions to agree with everything Joe says.

The biggest reason that Brendan gets so much hate is the way he deals with it. If he owned up to his faults every once in a while he would have way less haters than he does.

Brendan Schaub is incredibly clever. He never lets the haters get to him because they don't matter

by Random-Cat May 22, 2022

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Brendan Fraiser

Shaving ones eyebrows, then whipping ones dick out for an hour, while in a grocery store.

Little Boy: Look at that man. His dingle is showing!
Mom: He's just doing a Brendan Fraiser

by Ben McLaky January 1, 2008

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Dutch Brendan

talking like Brendan off of coach trip during sex

girl: dutch brendan me

boy: allright trippers clime on-board

by fat jon August 31, 2010

Pulling A Brendan

Walking home regardless of any circumstances whatsoever.

John: Hey man I should give you a ride home you live on the other side of the city and its raining bowling balls

Bob: No thanks im going to pull a brendan

Pulling a brendan

by Inti the gaucho April 19, 2010

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Brendan Lessland

The #1 Candidate for the 2024 US Presidential Elections!

Person 1: Have you heard about Brendan Lessland?

Person 2: Fr I heard he had to put his dick in a bottle and he came

by Brendan Lessland January 11, 2023


A Brendan is a complete faggot. With a massive cock. A Brendan is a guy that you say "being gay doesn't happen in nature" to and he will respond by fucking another man in the forest. He fuck a man and say he's not gay but yet he won't even say no honk afterwards

Person 1:Is that a faggot?

Person 2:No that's brendan

by Written twice April 21, 2017

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Brendan Bowl

When you make popcorn and you don't have a bowl, you cut away one of the big sides to form a open rectangle.

I don't want to get my hands greasy when eating the popcorn and I don't have a bowl, lets make a brendan bowl!

by rraacckk January 19, 2010

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