Roid Ragin’’ is when somebody rages or gets REALLY mad over something petty or not serious, and they make it really serious even though there’s no reason for it to be, and the reasoning is so dumb that there so mad that they just have to be roidin
Chris- sends go kart gif
Rjayloko has left the group
Henny: why is he roid ragin’
The shriveled testicles of a male body builder who suffers from steroid abuse.
Steve can’t have kids because his roid raisins shoot blanks.
The 2 man group, led by Captian Roid and his counterpart Adirmal Stones. They have spent their entire lives searching for the Lost Roid. In order to find the Lost Roid, they must find the seven Black Roid Balls scattered across the world.
Admiral Stones... Kidney... Stones
Roid Rangers