Yes, I am a Jazz music accepter
Reject Jeff accepters, embrace Strny enjoyers
When you write a funny uban dictionary definition and then realize your not funny enough and or have enough tallent to get it accepted. so you try to be cool to get accepted play off of peoples pity and be being mean to yourself to get even more pitty. You then name it "this definiton won't get accepted" inorder to play off of reverse psycology and talk about what you are planning to do inorder to get accepting inorder to be meta becasue that is cool. but then you realize you need to be more meta so you are now being meta about being meta and so on to infinity.
Dude I am a failure, this definition won't get accepted.
Accept my def you fucking retard
Accept my post you fucking retard
How much of a romantic or sexual past one is willing to accept in a prospective partner.
John never went more than second base himself. His past acceptability maximum is a woman who went as much as third base. He is unable to accept anyone with experience more than that.
Jack's past acceptability maximum was a woman who had slept with one man maximum. But as Jack gets older and is unable to find such women, his past acceptability maximum increases and becomes more lenient. He is now open to women who slept with two men maximum.
Jane's past acceptability maximum is a man who went to third base maximum. But when she meets the handsome and tall Juan, she forgets her past acceptability maximum.
1) Actions at home, not acceptable to be witnessed.
2) Things you only do when you're inside your home for an extended length of time, or when no one else is there to witness it
I think it's anti-socially acceptable to eat ice cream from the tub, or chocolate chips from the bag, when you're home alone.
If people don't know about it, calling it socially acceptable isn't socially responsible.
Once Doctor Sawyer got fired, he was no longer socially acceptable at Macy's. All that studying he did wasn't going to do anything for him. He had told everyone he was socially acceptable, but he wasn't telling anyone the full reality of anything.
A phrase used by idiots who can’t accept someone liking something they don’t.
Person 1: Man, that movie sure was fun
Person 1: Shut the fuck up lol