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nike air force 1

hot nike shoe made in the 1980's which is still popular today with black urban
youth.aka up's,ect. And one of the only shoes i wear,in my abundant collection.

those air forces are official!

by Eric Frazier February 27, 2005

114πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

white girl air forces

When a white hoe has beat up air forces, preferably white ones.

Person1: Bro look at her shoes,
Person2: white girl air forces.

by September 30, 2021

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Air Force 1 Day

On January 4th it’s international Air Force 1 Day.
On this day everyone with Air Force 1s/ AF1s will be wearing them. If you wear black af1s u don’t count!

Joe: Yo Chris why you wearing your AF1s?
Chris: It’s January 4th aka Air force 1 day duh
Joe: oh yea you right

by ChrisBoatt November 10, 2019

Creased White Air Forces

Just as dangerous as regular Black Air Forces. If you see someone playing basketball or walking in creased white air forces avoid them at all costs

Guy 1. Woah that guy has Creased White Air Forces.
Guy 2. Let’s avoid him

by just a nibba tryna fuk January 25, 2020

35πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Air-Force One

A member of the black community, obsessed with Air-Force One shoes, who cannot seem to keep a hold of his/her Air-Force One medallions.

Sean: Hey Steve.
Steve: Yeah?
Sean: Found another Air-Force One.
Steve: lolniggerzLOLrolf
Sean: Yeah man, seriously.

by manupod April 11, 2008

4πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

black air force energy

when someone has black forces just think their cock is fucking massive but dont worry they will admit it

Seth: yoo dawg he got that black air force energy

Halie:oh shit you know what i gotta do then

by Bigdickdave62 May 2, 2022

20πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

black Air Force energy

To be wild, aggressive, and have flagrant disregard and contempt for others or established rules.

The term is in reference to the 'black-on-black' styling of the popular Nike Air Force line of shoes. Its association with these perceived characteristics began expanding in popular culture in the early 2020s.

Dunking on a dude with your nuts in his face is black Air Force energy.

The honey badger is the most disrespectful animal in existence, and is one of the purest forms of black Air Force energy.

by Davis The Untamed April 1, 2023

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž