Something you'll remember for the rest of your life.something you wanna do. A miracle....(sigh)
You:Woot!Woo-hoo! I...just...went..bungee-jumping!Some random dude:that's amazing
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Amazical is a combination of amazing and magical. This is usually used to describe places or things but can also be used to describe a person or the way they are acting.
The way the rain sounds when it falls is amazical
1. sneaking out at 2 in the morning and going to walmart for no reason at all 2.going to southlake townsquare and sitting in the middle of the gazeebo just chillin 3. running through the sprinklers and looking like idiots, but having fun doing it 4. going to lifetime and swimming in you bra and/or boxers and being yelled by some random girl that you are a fucking whore
rob kelly and megan are abosulutely amazing. =
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Amazing + Unbelievable = Amazable
That race was amazable!
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