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Approve plz

Plz approve

Approve plz.

by Jamie5353 April 1, 2020

stamp of self-approval

A coffee cup stain left on the work desk that validates any blueprints or plans you have on paper.

I was hesitant about building that new workout equipment even though I didn't have all the resources, but after that cup of mojo left a stamp of self-approval on my blueprints I said "I'm doing this shit!"

by Capuchin for Hire January 1, 2023


The thing you need to wait a million fucking years for your definition to be posted on this website

I waited so long for the Approval of my dick definition that my hair has turned gray

by None of your damn business June 12, 2023

CrewPass Approved

When a yacht crew member has passed a full criminal background check and ID verification conducted by CrewPass, they become CrewPass Approved. CrewPass Approved crew gain the trust of future employers and stand out from the crowd when applying for yacht jobs.

Employer: "Have you completed a background check?"
Crew member: "Yes, I am CrewPass Approved."

"I am CrewPass Approved and ready for employment."

by Yachtingprofessional13 October 4, 2022

Approved Creator

A role that EnderallyGolem will never get.

Ender: Give me Approved Creator.
Everyone: No.

by TastySalt May 19, 2021

peer approved

Wortplay on the scientific standard of peer review. When you're friend approve of someone or something.

I know this guy/girl is showing some serious red flags. But for now I'll cut him/her some slack, because he/she is peer approved.

by sebastian6129 September 2, 2022

Veer approved

. Mercedes v63
. Normal
. Monster
. Curtain twitcher

Yo, is that Cali veer approved?

by Veer63 June 11, 2022