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1) When you are surprised in a good way.

2) When you are surprised and decided to respond in a sassy way when someone says something stupid.

- Wow! You got my favorite shirt!
Wow. He is hot!
Wow. That is amazing.
Wow! This is the best!

-Wow...you just said that? Really?
Wow. I tell you that I like you and you are just like "ok"?!
Wow...you are really an idiot.

by ExplodingSushi February 25, 2016


1. A sound made by someone when they are amazed by someone else or somelse

2. A sound made when your in amazement of how annoying, rude, or disrespectful someone can be

1. Tyler: Hey Alex, come check this out

Alex: Wow that's cool

2. Alex: Hey Tyler, I'm back with some food

Tyler: OH WOW, you didn't get em anything

by TheWildHuman July 28, 2017


An act of being shocked or amassed.

"Wow do elephants really be that big?"

by JetLee. November 14, 2018


A word to use when a person insults another person

โ€œWowโ€ thatโ€™s

by Bennyloverlogan1234 February 12, 2019


The noise emitted by the creature known as Owen Wilson. Used to attract mates.

Owen Wilson: Wow
(Sounds of aggressive mating)

by Therealjit July 4, 2021


A game made by Blizzard Entertainment in which every character in the end of the game is exactly the same. The only thing that seperates one guy from the other isn't skill at all it is time played and gear obtained. But one thing is true it is addicting to many people.

Yo Steve, are you going to get on WoW tonight?

by Thedelever April 14, 2006

47๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be high on cocaine.

Man, I was so wowed last night, I couldn't even sleep because I blew so many lines.

by SkeetSkeeter March 15, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž