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Ballsiac Arrest

When you get hit in the balls

Yo, did Jarod hit Ammon in the balls?

Yeah dude he's in Ballsiac arrest.

by Jarod T September 25, 2015


Bitches named Brycen looking for the biggest black dick they can get a hold of.

Brycen: “dam I need so arrestion to help my cravings!”

by BrycenSmallCock January 2, 2022


idk i think this should be a word. it just sounds right. maybe i just convinced myself it’s a real word.

During the arrestion, OJ Simpson cried.

by Chadwick444 April 1, 2020

rest area vs. arrest area

Describes the "pleasant versus unpleasant" quandary that you face when making a road trip on a budget. The D.O.T. may indeed instruct you to "never drive while drowsy", but good luck explaining that to a cop with a quota who taps on your car window at 2 a.m. in the morning to find out why you're parked along a deserted stretch of highway to sleep till dawn.

One simple way to avoid the whole "rest area vs. arrest area" debacle is to simply schedule your sleep-stops around the available "official rest area" locations that are situation along your route... sure, it may take a bit longer to complete your journey if you hafta "call it a day" at 5 pm instead of at nightfall because there will be no other rest areas for another hundred or more miles, but at least you can slumber in peace, knowing that you aren't parking somewhere overnight where you might be given grief.

by QuacksO February 25, 2019

arrested development

Stunted formative years due to your frequently getting cuffed by da cops.

Mike Hamar tells Red Green how he knew da legal system --- and da back seat of a patrol car --- inside and out before he was sixteen, yet as an adult he still acts really naive and immature about many other topics; sounds like a classic case of arrested development to me.

by QuacksO April 6, 2022

Resist Arrest

Oh shit! George Floyd 2.0. Right there! Damn! No, THAT ONE they killed. They killed the shit out of his ass! Damn! Yeah, now that is an instance of cops killing a guy.

Hym "Yeah, see that guy who tried to resist arrest and got knelt on? Emma's gonna have a shit-fit over that one. She probably found out about it THROUGH MY PHONE. But, yeah, they killed the shit out of that guy. Get ready for the protests."

by Hym Iam June 17, 2024

arrest room

What a store's WC becomes if'n yer fool enough to take merchandise into said toilet-retreat.

Best advice to keep a REST room from becoming an ARREST room --- just don't take chances by performing suspicious-looking activities while loading yourself up with merchandise from a store's shelves... put all your items in a shopping-basket or cart and leave said receptacle OUTSIDE da door of da crapper-cubicle, okaaayyyyy??? If yer worried about people's stealing your stuff, ask an accompanying friend or a security-guard to watch your basket, or leave it at da courtesy-desk or behind da cashier's counter till you get through takin' yer whiz/dump, then retrieve your load of treasures and continue shopping.

by QuacksO August 25, 2019