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Bonk buddy

Same as fuck friend or sex friend.

A person with whom you have sex, cose you don't have a partner with which to have meaningfull sex.

Plural - Bonk Buddies

Man those Japanese exchange students make great bonk buddies.

by DrSnow April 19, 2005

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donkey bonk

when you are poundin the fuck out of a chick from behind and when you are about to cum you pull out slam it in her ass as hard as you can and punch her in the back of the head as hard as you can to knock her out

i was having one last romp with my ex when i decided to donkey bonk that bitch

by big_smoke August 30, 2005

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The Chonk and Bonk

A night club where you get drunk (Chonk) and then have sex (bonk)

-Do want to go to the Chonk and bonk?
-last night I got pounded at the Chonk and bonk.

by Chonkychonk May 9, 2020

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Bonking Volver

Bonking Volver originated in South West England. It is a slang term often used as a smoother term for calling someone a Fucking Cunt!

Derek: Come You little Whore Bag and give Daddy some sugar

Wendy: You Bonking Volver stay away from me!!

by EC84 June 7, 2009

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Sheila Bonk

The act of using boobs as weapons of self defense. often used for bonking on the head

1.damn, i tried to take her lunch, and then i got sheila bonked.
2. Oh man, my girlfriend sheila bonked me last night because i didn't flush.

by Sheilabonker May 24, 2013

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fish bonk

to beat an individual with one's penis to the point of unconsciousness

Mark: Dude, I totally fish bonked your roommate last night!
Sean: Yeah man, she was out cold!

by krauzy March 10, 2010

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Bonk medic

A tf2 playstyle created by Array Seven, it's a strategy used to distract and/or block the enemy team. This strategy is mostly used in payload/payload race maps. You simply have to be the medic with the default medigun on the attacking team. before the round starts, build up your ΓΌbercharge and when the gates open flash it and run past the enemy. Your enemy should either chase you or ignore you. If they follow you, lead them far away so your team can push the cart. If they ignore you, you can stab or shoot them from behind (Array Seven reccomends the Blutsauger for primary and the bonesaw/solemn vow for melee). But beware, as you will probably die when using this tactic.

Red heavy: what the hell is a medic doing, using uber then running towards us?
Bonk medic: follow me, idiots!
*assasinates them with a bonesaw and syringes*
*realises his whole team is dead*
Bonk medic: Shit.

by Thelegitimatewin April 19, 2015