Pronounced (Kar-din-ull Mao-bee-is), Cardinal Maobius is a persistent, often painful erection that lasts for more than 16 hours and is chronic, reoccurring once every few weeks lasting your entire lifetime. Typically has vast amounts of blood, seeping from the urethra and blood clots way easier to someone with Cardinal Maobius leading to chunky blood flowing out of the male urethra. Bleeding can last anywhere from 14 minutes to 18 hours depending on age, weight, and BMI. Cardinal Maobius can only be found in the male sex and is not contagious and is only hereditarily transferable; can be passed down to sons from their father. Cardinal Maobius can also lead the penis to sometimes swell, leaving large cysts and soon calusses filled with pus and blood, and depending on where on the body these cysts are found, sometimes semen. It is smart to treat the cysts sooner rather than later, as they can grow to widths of 22 inches and spread around the body. Roughly 20 million males suffer worldwide annually.
Person A: I have Cardinal Maobius.
Person B: Is that why your pants are red by the crotch area?
Person A: Yes, I am on my cycle.
Person B: Oh, okay. Let me know if you need any help!
The tendency of the Arizona Cardinals to look good only to be absolute garbage when people start to consider them as contenders.
Person 1: Hey, did you see the 1-11-1 Lions absolutely murder the Cardinals?
Person 2: Typical Schroedingers Cardinal
Unknown. Anyone that goes here wishes to be somewhere else.
Cardinal Stritch University is a school
Consists of students that would rather be anywhere else
Did you hear about the parties at Cardinal Stritch University last weekend?
- No
The cardinal's eye is a condition gained by men when sounding with rough items. The tip of the man's penis will become inflamed around the urethral opening. Weeping from the cardinal's eye is an occasional side effect of rough treatment of delicate parts.
I've got a terrible case of the Cardinal's Eye, doctor, can I get a tube of knob creme, please?
When two consenting adults agree to an extreme act during a sexual encounter, where the female turns on a ceiling fan, then ties herself down to the bed. The male ties a rope around his stomach and suspends himself to a ceiling fan, the starts defecating all over the room, aiming towards the women’s chest. The spinning will make the man vomit on the women from the concurred dizziness. During this the man will yell ‘Cuh Caw!’ in order to fully embrace himself as a cardinal, then will get himself down from the ceiling, and continue sexual intercourse accordingly.
Hey Nancy, let’s run the ol’ Georgian Cardinal! I already have the rope ready.
When you're wedged in traffic and surrounded by all cars and you can't get out.
While stuck in rush hour traffic, I was cardined by all the shitty drivers in Los Angeles. It's much safer to be completely stopped on the freeway, ya know, no problems here, just cardined.