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honey chipotle chicken crispers

A meal from Chili's Restaurant usually accompanied by a corn on the cob and French fries.

"Welcome to Chili's may i take your order?" "Yes i will have the honey chipotle chicken crispers"

by Dieter A. July 16, 2008

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New York Chipotle Starfish

This Act requires a Man and Female or Male and Male to proceed with the Special Act.
The Woman thus buys a Chipotle burrito consumes it and waits till digestion while the male gets completely naked and bends over Pouring Franks Red hot sauce into all of his orifices , He thus lays on his back while the Woman spreads both of her butt cheeks exposing her Starfish whilst the male begins to lick the inside of her rectum as she produces stool.

Gabe: "So my Girlfriend let my try a New York Chipotle Starfish last night"
Josh: "Really, How was it?"
Gabe: "Her Starfish was exposed and i slopped it up clean"
Josh: "Damn!, I gotta try that!"

by Cliqe June 19, 2015

take your turkey to chipotle

When you smoke a bowl then blow the smoke in yo girls virgina then stick yo dick in and pull it out and let her suck of the slime and smoke.

When you take your turkey to chipotle it's fun.

by God of 69 January 25, 2023

Post Chipotle Syndrome (PCS)

What occurs after you eat Chipotle. The act of vomiting perfusely through the asshole after devouring a Chipotle Mexican Burrito.

Me: Bro whats wrong with you today?

Mike: I am suffering from Post Chipotle Syndrome (PCS) today dude, why do you have to call me out like that? I have the toilet ring imprinted on my ass cheeks dude.

Me: Enough said man.

Mike: Yeah...brb.

by Miggity Mack May 13, 2011

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Chipotle Bowl

When one sexual partner lays face down, ass in the air, while the other partner licks around their unclean anus while masturbating them.

I gave my wife a chipotle bowl in bed the other night and now I have e coli.

by extramsg November 7, 2020

Number 27 at Chipotle

The number 27 at Chipotle involves a man with only a ski mask and leather straps walking into the chipotle kitchen and shitting into a tortilla and then jizzing all over the shit and then making a salad were the man pisses in it and then excretes little shit balls from his anus and using that instead of tomatoes, the salad then goes onto the tortilla with the shit and jizz still on there, the man then wraps the tortilla turning it into a burrito walks out of the kitchen then says to the customer while covered in shit jizz and piss "Here's your number 27"

"That Number 27 at Chipotle was really good, but it was missing something"

by JoeyFi December 12, 2023

Chipotle whore

Simoneโ€™s who loves chipotle way too much

That girl/guy is a chipotle whore

by Bigg philly May 30, 2024