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city bus

A magical place where you can witness many strange particles of knowledge. Such as to never touch a crossdressing stripper's purse, never. That just because an ancient pimp and a cowboy look alike, they won't always get along. The city bus is a great place to meet people, normal or other. If you walk to different places, sometime you should try the city bus, you will probably get a good story out of it. Beware of drunken homeless people though.

I chose the city bus and got robbed! Yay angry neo nazis!

by Rebel_Tin December 9, 2005

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Rose City

Rose City is a small town located in Northern/Mid Michigan. Summers smell of hot cow crap and fresh corn. Winters are normally colder than hell and there is often snow up to your knees. Where ever you are, you are never far from a redneck, hick, or cow. Most teenagers spend their time drinking or partying, because there is nothing else to do. The highschool even celebrates "Tractor Day". Most people only have a highschool education. Most people here are farmfolk. Yet people from all over move and stay here, and no one really knows why.

Bo: I live in Rose City.

Charles: Oh, the little hick town surrounded by corn fields.

by flannelshit666 May 9, 2011

35πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Noob city

The best definition writer to ever exist on urbandictionary. Of Noob city’s 4 definitions, all of them are the top definition. Unanimously the G.O.A.T of definition writing

I wish i was as godly as Noob city

by Noob city November 25, 2018

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Mad city

A fun game on roblox where you rob, fight bosses, cause chaos in the city or stop crime. The fun never stops

Welcome to Mad City, where the choice is yours to choose the power of good or evil. Cause chaos in the city streets as a criminal and super villain or join the super heroes and police force to bring justice to the city. With so many heists, the chaos never stops!

Mad City is an epic roblox game

by Idiotslol December 29, 2021

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Oilchester City

A football club created in 2008 and is based in the UAE. They have very rich owners and have used their oil money to succeed

Oilchester City are looking to buy Messi they are willing to give him 1 million a week to get him to join

by Amazing 1356 June 1, 2021

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City kite

The flimsy plastic bags you get from most every store that becomes litter, mostly when taken by the wind.

Hey what's that trash up in your tree?
Oh those damn city kites are constantly getting stuck in my yard.

by primaldeuce July 1, 2013

chunder city

the place you go where you are sick. most likely induced by drinking

so i hear you had a few too many pints last night and took a trip to chunder city

by darsen December 17, 2007