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Social construct bubble

When you do things within the social norms or abide by social laws and constructs. When you don't let your intrusive thoughts win and o things outside the "norm".

I've decided I'm just not going to work today, for no reason - I'm stepping outside my social construct bubble
Of course I'll submit the assignment, I'm staying in my social construct bubble

by sassy-square May 10, 2023

Destruction through Construction

The act of diminishing or destroying the original meaning or purpose of an entity (be it individual, location, building, group, etc) during the act of building it up (building up the image, adding to the building, adding more rules to a group, etc). Not to be confused with hype, which is the building up of expectation.

Guy 1: “Man the club used to be so fun, now its just a drag, what happened?”
Guy 2: “Destruction through construction, id say it happened when that one guy came in and added all those rules.”

by Jacob Mei April 21, 2010

Morton Construction

A construction company in the Mushroom Kingdom. They work on town maintenance aswell.

Who's going to build it?
Morton Construction!

by Γαπδθμ Λφπ Δдялειг April 3, 2021

majima construction

The best construction company ever, and the man who created it? The best one eyed man in the world, maybe even the best man in the world, actually not just maybe, the best man in the world, his name is goro majima, he uses breaker style, slugger style, thug style, and the mad dog of Shimano style to fight thugs in the street

I got hired by majima construction last week, it's fucking awesome

by Imbored9876 March 11, 2024

deaths construction

A leader of Pigs,A simple drainage of the bowels. A big blockage in the asshole. A true dick by nature.A sudden stop in lifes fun.

I wish I could take a good deaths construction
That person is a true deaths construction

by rukkus November 8, 2005

constructive pessimism

Believing one's own work is not good enough or that something in their work is missing, causing them to revise or even restart their work.

A writer had completed five pages of a script before feeling that their story just wasn't good enough, and so constructive pessimism struck them as they searched for that missing oomph.

by joob1 January 12, 2022

Constructioned face

A constructioned face, it means when you have a perfect shape of face. Your eyes, mouth, lips, eyebrows, nose, and face are perfectly shaped and fit with each other.

👩🏾/🧑🏾: posts a video of them selfs

👤: you have a very constructioned face😩
👩🏾/🧑🏾: awh thank you so much!

by F3v3rdr34m July 22, 2021