Corbin, has WAP (Wet And Petite) energy. He looks like a girl.
Person 1: Why is that man so Wet And Petite?
Person 2: Such a Corbin
Corbin, a man who has big WAP (Wet And Petite) energy. He looks like a girl.
Person 1: Why is that guy so Wet And Petite?
Person 2:He's such a Corbin!
A big dude he has a large penis and big lips brown hair and brown eyes he’s vary nice to all of his friends he has a super sexy girlfriend named Laila usually and he has a deep voice be some what rich and he is a vary good fighter verbally and physically
Joe: I’m gonna beat up corbin
Jack: dude no! He will destroy you and wreck your life
A self proclaimed intellectual when in reality he’s just a smartass brick.
Guy 1: Wow look over there it’s Corbin sucking on his own tiddies again.
Corbin: Elaborate
Sexiest man alive, also a great hooper and loyal
Corbin is sexy and has good dick
the sweetest person ever and i mean ever
corbin is one of the best people that you’ll ever meet but he’s quite quiet
person 1: yo is that corbin?
person 2: yeah he’s the sweetest person you’ll ever meet
Corbin is that loyal guy who is gangster tough. He knows how to get the party started. He is a dependable and loyal friend.... if you are privileged enough to be allowed in his clan.
Don’t mess with that guy, he’s a Corbin.