The Ripe Division is a local militia in Brazil that aggressively protects the dwindling banana population. Any acts of aggression towards their ripeness will result in a banana being torpedoed into one's nuggetmaker until it becomes ripe, then they will pull it out then stuff the unpeeled, ripe banana back in, then fuck you until it's puréd.
-Hey, Brad, Im going to the market. Want some bananas?
-No thanks. Last time I tried to get a banana, the Ripe Division gave me one...and now Im haunted for life.
okay, very epic clan, attak all klans!!!! AOS, GKK, Kal, UKK, Hells Angel (fr dead lmao), skids who claim they have otax and so on11!!1! very epik, suber religious, very intelligent, big brain, coding goes brr!!!!!1!!!1!!111!1 1010100110101010101010101101010110 <---- very hard to decifer!11!!!! very haxxor, aos caca my ass cuz mad no bithce!!! ze owner is pro and studi cosmos internet epik, he no liek skid = aos cuz mad, no like wannabe h!tler lik gkk, no like cp pedo simps like ukk, osad = 🤮, we no lik gay :(((((((((((
C0ncealed: bro goc suk gkk dik, we no do zat we haxx and red bok!!!! nerd
Kutasek: i cum to hous
By C0ncealed, best epik brain of The Rationalization Division
when your are so big, and so long your known as a long division
kaeden is built like a long division problem
sky division is the best discord server
and the best person in sky division
is ofc ashlyn who is a baddie and ryan
sky division means ashlyn is the best
A group of Wehraboos
Oh god, it's a Canzer Division!!!