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Daft Punk Alive 2007

The French duo mixed a ton of the their hits into an astonishing 90 minute set of non-stop streaming ecstasy which was recorded during their 2007 concert at Bercy, and later released on CD for all to enjoy. This is CD a must have for any Daft fan, especially those who are only familiar with their studio albums.

Holy shit that Daft Punk Alive 2007 CD is fucking great; it's just one continuous jam!

by trip ncnealy February 12, 2009

86👍 13👎


Stuffy, muggy air

It’s so daft in here, can you open a window?

by Itiswhatitiz June 27, 2021


Brittish word for stupid or dumb

Person 1: I like the starwars prrquels
Person 2: Are you Daft?

by RorySowersby January 29, 2018


Silly, crazy

Bronwyn;"Whos the prime minister"
Millard;" Winston Churchill have you gone daft"

by OliveAmbroholos November 13, 2016


Dumb Ass Fucking Tard

Person #1 - "I'll put you in the ground"
Person #2 - "You gotta be DAFT. I'm a demigod"

by Gesser October 15, 2021


Dumb as fucking Thanos, a Marvel villain that stupidly cut the universal population in half despite the reality that populations double every generation anyway.

Blizzard is daft with their changes.

by duhobviously April 14, 2019


A fucking idiot. Spastic, just all round retarded.

I can’t see it..’
‘It’s right in front of you don’t be so daft !’

by ik two different Brady familys December 9, 2018