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Dixie Chicked

To be "Dixie Chicked" is when you are boycotted by a bunch of simple minded, beer drinking, Bush supporting rednecks, that are are easily mislead by misinformation, instead of being able to make an intelligent and informed decision for themselves!

Yes. its true, the NASCAR crowd is a bit "slow" and have grown up with others thinking for them!

So when the extreme conservatives start sending a bunch of misinformation to the rednecks, of corse its a natural fit!

But fortunately the Dixie Chicks promptly dumped the redneck crowd and continue to survive quite nicely without the help or support of country music radio.

The Dixie Chicks are a great example of brave Americans who refused to back down to simple mindedness and political correctness, They continue to be be brilliant at all they do, and will be rewarded by people who know the meaning of a true American band!

Joe: Hey ... did you see all the crap the reporters are saying on TV?

Max: Yup ... they better be carful they don't end up being " Dixie Chicked " You can get in trouble for speaking the truth!

by Get real, Ya All!!! March 22, 2009

68πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

Took a dixie

Meaning, a lapse, cognitive dissidence, a boycott, negligence, a vacation/holiday, a siesta, laziness, idleness. Can imply both a purposeful or unintentional commission or omission.

I heard Chris Matthews on MSNBC use this term on February 25, 2009. I don't have a quote but he used it in this fashion:
"They took a dixie on that one."

Another example:
"They did a good job on the paint but took a dixie on the suspension."

by George W Kush February 26, 2009

9πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Used as a verb, to dixie-chick means to ruin one's own celebrity career due to public reaction to one's statement which is perceived to be unpatriotic.

"Madonna cancelled the US airing of her anti-war video in order to avoid being dixie-chicked."

by Michelle June 23, 2003

31πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Dixie damelio

Only famous because of her sister, Charli Damelio who rose to fame through an app ✨tiktok✨ that makes people lose all their brain cells. She makes confusing and pretty bad music and lies about a lot of things. She first dated Griffin ( a total simp) then moved on to Noah Beck (a simp too but also for Addison Rae) She's on a trash show called Attaway General or whatever it is where her only "acting" seems to be from rolling her eyes 183718 times. She has no manners even as a young adult. You can search up Dinner with the Damelios and in a part of that video, right in front of the chef, Dixie threw up and showed signs disrespecting the food the chef made. Her sister, Charli is not impressed nor grateful for 99 million followers in tiktok. In conclusion she has a lot of Simpson, money, wealth, fame, and always in a mood yk.

Simp: Yo have you hear of Dixie Damelio?

Me: Ya the one who got famous overnight bcz of her sister and makes cringe music attempts
Simp: how dare you, I'm gonna marry her one day then dump mee :)

by Sjdhfh May 15, 2021

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The past tense of the verb "to Dixie Chick", a verb meaning to express a contraversial opinion from a place of artistic privledge.

It comes from the name of a band, the Dixie Chicks, who were simultaniously applauded and reviled for speaking out against the 2002 war of the United States against Iraq.

"Everyone is scared of being Dixie Chicked. You say one bad thing about your government and you might lose a large portion of your fans. Good. who wants a bunch of idiots for fans anyways?" -- 'Fat' Mike Burkett

by moonbug April 6, 2005

41πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

Dixie Dippers

Dixie Dippers

Okay, so here's the definition of Dixie Dippers: Dixie...Dippers

by Dixie King November 21, 2010

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


To make comments or express opinions in order to advance yourself in the public eye, or to draw attention to yourself, with the intent of a positive reaction, but resulting in a life-altering negative effect on your life personally or professionally. See Career suicide

"Do you remember in O Brother Where Art Thou when the candidate for Gov. told everyone he was in the KKK? Man, he totally Dixie-Chicked right there."

by nikthenyetminder November 18, 2004

32πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž