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chron duster

One who drives in their car smoking exquisite marijuana with the windows up, otherwise known as "smoke boxing" until one reaches a preferable destination to exhaust the marijuana smoke out of the windows around unsuspecting people, rendering them second hand high.

When their joint was roached, The chron duster's noticed there was a school playground around the curve, they rolled down the window down and chron dusted the small children

by nitrovorce November 16, 2010

Feather Duster

A racial slur for Native Americas based on the assumption that they often wear feathered headdresses.

Dan: Yo have you ever been to one of those Native American Casinos?

Jon: Nah man. I typically tend to stay clear of those Feather Dusters.

by Saveethescene November 3, 2018

Pickle Duster

When you're spooning and you fart on his dick

Me: I let a pickle duster loose on my dude and he got super horny.

by WhiteHead69420 January 2, 2023

duster girl

a duster girl is a girl who is extremely observant and appreciates everything around her. duster girls are usually artsy, sweet, love music and love the little things. usually duster girls are also hopeless romantics. duster girls will stop to stare at the moon and stars, or stop to watch the sunlight. they’ll point out the cows and chickens and horses when they drive by them. most duster girls enjoy being outdoors—hiking and meditating, backpacking, etc. she probably plays the acoustic guitar too and listens to duster. she’d definitely live in a van and dance bearfoot in the sand. she probably loves adrenaline rushes, drawing until she can’t move her hand, and blending watercolor paints together. she plays close attention to everything. she can see the slightest difference in how you act. she writes about her crushes—whether she can have them or not—and she writes poetry or enjoys it. she is admirable and probably has a love for chocolate. you’ve probably never met a girl like her.

“She is such a duster girl. I wonder if she’ll ever grow up.”

by dustergirl10 April 23, 2022

Air Duster

Duster is a product intended to get the dirt and lint out of electronics, but most of it sells because it's a popular inhalant drug among teenagers and other age groups.

The substance that gets you high in duster is called difluoroethane, and therefore it is much more dangerous than whippets, which has a smiliar effect.

Duster can be obtained at places like computer stores, Walmart, and Home Depot. Usually it's locked up, so you have to get a buyer or find a place that leaves it out in the open. When buying duster, remember to get the blue or white bottle. The purple one will probably kill you. Also, remember to NEVER inhale from the bottle upside down. You can get frostbite on your tongue, and even worse, in your lungs.

The effects of duster go something like this:
1st Hit: Numbness, feeling of happiness and euphoria
2nd Hit: More numbness, uncontrollable laughter and slurred speech
3rd Hit: Same as above but now you get dizzy, and it feels as if there is a force pulling down on your body.

Duster is really addictive. You'll tell youself you're only going to do 3 hits, but will end up doing half the can. After more than 3 hits you usually black out, but not for very long. It's usually less than a minute.

One of the good things about duster is that it does not last long. ....but the come down is a bitch.

Duster is usually 7 to 8 dollars.

1. I bought a can of air duster at the self-check out line in Home Depot today. I can't wait to go get fucked up!!

2. Jory fell off his bed and broke his tooth while doing air duster. That's what the ass gets for not sharing.

by LacyGirl November 6, 2007

271👍 253👎


The less-ghetto name for brass knuckles.

Taking a hit with a knuckle-duster in the face will not be very fun.

by Taikamiya June 3, 2005

11👍 6👎

brain duster

(noun) Canned air used primaily to clear your keyboard from dust. Used as an inhalant it is known as Brain Duster. User will experience a feeling of blacking out. Use over a long time in a single sitting user WILL hallucinate.

Joe "man i'm all out of beer"
Moe "it's okay man, i've got some Brain Duster"

by BoJiggles September 4, 2006

11👍 6👎